Best Tattoo Removal Treatment in Islamabad
People get tattoos for many reasons, be it cultural, personal, or simply because they like the design. Tattoos are becoming more mainstream, too, with face tattoos even growing in popularity.
Just as there are many reasons people get tattoos, there are many reasons why people may want to remove them.
Although tattoos are permanent, this is only to an extent. They can be removed if you decide you no longer want them. Larger, darker, more colorful tattoos are more time-consuming and expensive to remove than smaller, lighter, and less colorful ones.
How does Tattoo Removal work?
Lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam. Black tattoo pigment absorbs all laser wavelengths, making it the easiest color to treat. Other colors can only be treated by selected lasers based upon the pigment color.
You should first schedule a consultation with a trained professional who can evaluate your tattoo and advise you on the process. The number of treatments you will need will depend on the age, size, and color(s) of your tattoo. The color of your skin, as well as how deep the tattoo pigment goes, will also affect the removal technique.

How does Tattoo Removal work?
Lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam. Black tattoo pigment absorbs all laser wavelengths, making it the easiest color to treat. Other colors can only be treated by selected lasers based upon the pigment color.
You should first schedule a consultation with a trained professional who can evaluate your tattoo and advise you on the process. The number of treatments you will need will depend on the age, size, and color(s) of your tattoo. The color of your skin, as well as how deep the tattoo pigment goes, will also affect the removal technique.

Who should get laser removal?
Tattoos with many colors are more difficult to remove. They might require treatment with different lasers and wavelengths to be effective.
The best candidates for traditional laser removal are those with lighter skin. This is because laser treatment can change the color of darker skin.
If you have darker skin, your best laser option is Q-switched Nd:YAG laser treatment. It’s least likely to change the color of darker skin.
Older tattoos tend to fade most with laser treatment. Newer tattoos are more difficult to remove.

Who should get laser removal?
Tattoos with many colors are more difficult to remove. They might require treatment with different lasers and wavelengths to be effective.
The best candidates for traditional laser removal are those with lighter skin. This is because laser treatment can change the color of darker skin.
If you have darker skin, your best laser option is Q-switched Nd:YAG laser treatment. It’s least likely to change the color of darker skin.
Older tattoos tend to fade most with laser treatment. Newer tattoos are more difficult to remove.
Why Laser Hair Removal ?
Safe & Easy
The laser tattoo removal process uses an FDA-approved laser to easily, safely, and effectively remove tattoos.
Tattoo Size ! Doesn’t Matter
The laser removal technique is an effective means of removing any tattoo, large or small. there is no limit to the amount of body surface area that can be treated.
The majority of individuals who have undergone the procedure are happy with their tattoo removal and do not regret having their body art undone.
Effective Process
Laser tattoo removal effectively reduces the appearance of tattoo ink without causing lasting effects to the surrounding skin
Few Side-Effects
Laser tattoo removal is one of the safest ways to remove tattoos. The risk of infection is minimal, and few undesirable side effects are reported after treatment.
No Needles or Knives: Just Light
We guarantee upto 80% permanent reduction in hair growth.Just as the name suggests, a laser treatment harnesses only the power of concentrated light with no need for needles, knives.

Will it leave a scar?
Many patients are concerned about scarring from laser tattoo removal – they understandably want their skin to look as natural as possible after they’ve completed the tattoo removal process.